Jaws" is coming to concert halls this summer! Screening of the entire film with live music!


This summer, "Jaws" in Concert will be held at the Yokohama Pacifico National Grand Hall on Saturday, August 3.

The concert will be conducted by Ichiro Saito and played by the Kanagawa Philharmonic Orchestra.

The concert will be conducted by Ichiro Saito and played by the Kanagawa Philharmonic Orchestra.

What is "Jaws" in Concert


"Jaws" in Concert is a concert in which the entire movie "JAWS" is shown on a large screen above the stage, and the soundtrack is performed by a full orchestra on stage throughout the entire movie.

"Jaws" is a 19-minute movie.

"Jaws" is an oceanic panic film directed by Steven Spielberg, who was just 27 years old when it was made in 1975, and adapted from Peter Venturi



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